
Paola Dozza - Pactur srl
Paola Dozza

Global value chains are at a critical juncture, sandwiched between growing international demand following the post-pandemic economic recovery, on the one hand, and a combination of supply shortages and transport bottlenecks, on the one hand. other. These two factors that are causing increases in the prices of raw materials, unimaginable until a few months ago. In this regard, we would like to bring you some data and some reflections, which we have, in turn, collected from popular sites.


What are the causes of increases in the prices of raw materials?

aumenti dei prezzi delle materie prime

According to authoritative experts in the field, the cause is the strong imbalance between supply and demand; this gap is constantly growing, which cannot be bridged. The most recent estimates have marked an increase in the prices of some materials in the order of 200% only in the last year and thanks to the collapse in prices that had characterized the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic, made the increase so substantial . A striking example, which closely involves our production, is made up of steel, which went from $ 380 per ton in June 2020 to $ 1,100 per ton in September 2021: a dizzying increase that reaches almost 300%. As for oil, the cost of which had collapsed in 2020 (-68%) and has since then risen sharply (+ 203%), it is possible that its price could settle at 60-75 dollars a barrel. However, all materials have had a similar story, but the negative primacy of the increases goes to copper, iron, steel, corn, coffee, wheat and soy, timber, semiconductors, plastics, cardboard for packaging, rare earths, lithium. To translate the situation into numbers, the purchase of raw materials accounts for 46.6% of the turnover of manufacturing companies and 33.1% for construction companies. To these dynamics was added towards the end of last summer (but in a process that had already been developing for some months) also a surge in energy prices, consequent to an increase in demand for hydrocarbons (natural gas in particular ) and, also in this case, the lack of supply. In fact, natural gas went from $ 1.22 per MMBtu (British Thermal Unit, a unit of measurement that is used to quantify natural gas and whose unit corresponds to approximately 28 m3) in May 2020 to $ 25.81 in September 2021. Certainly these two peaks cannot be considered as immovable reference values ​​given the frequency of price changes, but the difference gives an idea of ​​what is happening in the global energy market. The transition will lead to an increase in the costs of fossil energy sources and these are the first consequences. Within the EU, the increase in prices is also partly linked to the implementation of some of the EU’s climate policies. The increase in the cost of energy is compounded by the increases in gas and diesel, thus compromising the expected post-pandemic recovery. Meanwhile, the governments of many countries will have to manage rising inflation. Indeed, the US Fed and the ECB in Europe are already taking steps to prevent uncontrolled increases in inflation. The strong push on costs, unsustainable in some sectors, is reducing company margins and causing a rise in producer prices which in November 2021, net of energy, rose by 8.9%, a rate of change never recorded since 2001.

As we said in the beginning, we transmit this information to you for disclosure purposes, as we have received and collected it. In turn, we suffer from this situation, which inevitably affects our prices. Nonetheless, we have kept our increases as low as possible and have absorbed these general increases in a very high percentage.




Customize: adapting to the Customer’s needs

For us, the extraordinary is routine.

Another significant advantage of purchasing a packaging machine from Pactur is having access to our entire technical team for possible customizations tailored to the specific type of products you need to package. At our core, we are fundamentally a craft-based company, and each machine is built as if it were a unique piece, from the welding of the metal framework (see published article) to the assembly of individual mechanical and electronic components. For us, creating special packaging machines or scaling up our models to produce extra-large formats is almost “routine.”


An interesting example: the KLOK 850 Chamber Machine

KLOK 850

The KLOK 850 economical shrink wrap chamber machine has been upgraded to accommodate medium to large formats. This evolution was designed to meet the needs of artisanal and industrial sectors requiring a practical and versatile solution for small production volumes. The KLOK 850 is ideal for packaging products of various sizes, consistently ensuring impeccable quality and a refined aesthetic in the final result.

The structure has been engineered to be robust and durable, utilizing thick metal sheets. The metal framework is entirely crafted in-house by Pactur, a testament to the meticulous quality control at every stage of production. The powder coating, with its elegant textured finish, not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the machine but also provides superior protection against wear and corrosion.

In addition to its solid construction, the KLOK 850 stands out with its unmistakable Italian design, combining functionality and elegance. Every detail has been carefully considered to ensure user-friendliness, ease of maintenance, and long operational life. The machine is the ideal solution for those seeking a reliable product without compromising on cost-effectiveness.

Perfect for small production runs, it proves versatile across various sectors, from cosmetics to food, and even artisanal products. With the KLOK 850, Pactur reaffirms its ability to innovate, focusing on the customers’ need for a high-performing and cost-effective solution.


Semi-Automatic L-Sealer with Pneumatic Sealing Arm, Model 110/A2:

It is rare to find a semi-automatic machine with these size features on the market.

Confezionatrice termoretraibile semiautomatica angolare




These machines offer a practical and versatile solution for packaging a wide range of products, combining high performance with ease of use.

L-sealers with a tunnel are particularly suitable for companies seeking a reliable and robust system to optimize packaging processes while keeping costs low.

The automatic sealing arm, powered by a pneumatic piston, ensures precision and speed during the sealing cycle, making these machines ideal even for medium-volume productions.

Thanks to their compact structure and intuitive design, these machines integrate easily into various production environments, adapting to the specific needs of the customer.

The shrink tunnel, working in synergy with the sealer, ensures a perfect fit of the shrink film around the product, delivering a professional and visually appealing final result.

Moreover, the easy adjustment of sealing and shrinking parameters allows operators to quickly configure the machine for different types of packaging.

Semi-automatic L-sealers are an excellent choice for those looking for a durable, efficient product with a design aimed at minimizing maintenance time.

Pactur guarantees the quality of the materials used and precision in construction, offering a machine that combines innovation and simplicity.

Choosing these packaging machines means improving operational efficiency, reducing waste, and achieving high-quality packaging suitable for various sectors, from food to non-food industries.

140 LINE for Huge Escavators

The following video shows how a 65 LINE can become a maxi format (140 LINE) for a customer who has to pack non-standard size O-Rings for huge excavators.Extra-large products


New Application of the Auto 80/L & TL80M Model for Large Formats

shrink wrapping machines


Here is an interesting application of packaging using an automatic shrink wrapping machine equipped with a continuous sealing system, designed for medium to large-sized products. This solution serves as an alternative to packaging with semi-automatic and automatic sleeve wrapping machines.

As shown in the attached video, the products in question are bulky, heavy, irregularly shaped, and are commonly packaged using a sleeve wrapper. However, sleeve wrapping has the disadvantage that the shrink film does not completely wrap the product, leaving the package open on some sides.

Although Pactur also manufactures sleeve wrappers, offering a range of semi-automatic and automatic models, in this case, the company addressed a specific aesthetic and qualitative need of its customer by using an automatic overwrapping machine to achieve full closure packaging.

The result is a highly refined and compact package.

When analyzing the pros and cons of this solution, it is worth noting that handling the finished package is more labor-intensive compared to packages produced by a sleeve wrapper, where the side openings in the shrink film make the package easier to grip.

On the other hand, two significant advantages of packaging with an automatic shrink wrapping machine featuring a continuous sealing system stand out: the superior aesthetic result, already highlighted above, and the high productivity achieved by this type of automatic machine.

For the sake of completeness, it is essential to mention that the maximum product height is a key limiting factor: if the product height exceeds 300–350 mm, a semi-automatic or automatic sleeve wrapper becomes the only viable packaging solution within Pactur’s range of overwrapping machines.

Another noteworthy advantage of the continuous sealing shrink wrapping machine and its fully enclosed packaging (enclosed because the film is sealed on three sides and folded on one) is product security: if the package remains intact, with no visible signs of damage or holes in the film, it guarantees that the product inside has not been touched or partially removed.

Finally, the automatic packaging machine with a lateral rotary sealer and transverse sealing bar achieves high productivity thanks to the synchronized speed of the longitudinal sealing wheels with the conveyor belts and film unwinding system, and the fast guillotine-like motion of the transverse sealing bar, whose opening can be adjusted based on the product height.



Paola Dozza - Pactur srl
Paola Dozza


Pactur, an Italian workshop producing packaging machines for shrink film, has the honor of defining itself as an authentic Italian manufacturer, which manufactures its machinery entirely, from the welding of the sheets to the final assembly.

We have dedicated an entire page of our site to illustrate who Pactur is.

This allows the management, care and control of the entire production process, alongside the mastery of one’s own product, which allows flexibility in adaptations, in response to specific customer requests.

In addition to the quality of the execution, the integral manufacturing of the machinery also guarantees the correct choice of construction materials. From a “walk” in our carpentry, it is immediately clear that there was no saving on the thickness of the sheets: absolutely considerable thickness steel is used, to ensure solidity and absence of vibrations during the many years of work, which await our machines packaging machines.

The welds are all done by hand, as well as the assembly of the parts is manual. Pactur thus seeks to harmonize the dictates of product industrialization, with the craftsmanship of unique pieces, made to last over time. A true Italian workshop of artisanal character for the shrink wrapping machine.

Officina Italiana - carpenteria metallica



Paola Dozza - Pactur srl
Paola Dozza

The most suitable packaging machines

There are different types of shrink wrappers and cellophane wrapping machines that differ in technology, production capacity, more or less specific needs. For example, there are packaging machines for trays – widely used in an absolutely efficient way for perishable products – there are automatic, manual, vertical and horizontal packaging machines, based on the orientation required for the packaging. The importance of a packaging machine should not be underestimated, even if the product in question is not perishable or fragile, but it must still arrive at its destination unaltered.

Furthermore, the packaging machines are distinguished from each other by the hourly production capacity. This parameter allows you to choose the model that best suits your needs while maintaining the price / performance ratio that is always efficient and favorable for the company. In fact, it is our pride to advise in the best possible way based on real needs. For us, a customer who is satisfied with the quality (and costs) is a customer with whom a continuous and lasting relationship is established with benefits on both sides.

Packaging machines: types and sectors of use

As we said before, packaging machines are necessary and indispensable tools nowadays, as they give the possibility to package the product in a safe and effective way.

The packaging machines are used in many sectors, therefore it is necessary to choose the packaging machine that best suits your needs.

Protect the product with packaging

Packaging is an element that is born with the precise purpose: to protect the product.

In fact, packaging is a barrier for various factors, such as atmospheric agents, transport, time and much more.

Based on this functionality, there are different machines capable of making a different product depending on the chosen application.

When choosing a cellophane wrapping machine, various important aspects must be considered in addition to cost, for example: the space available, the speed and the material used for packaging.

On the market we find different packaging machines based on the type of packaging and often also divided into different areas, in general you can find:

Machines for packaging in bags: it is available in model variants and the machine required for the packaging of heat-sealed bags on 4 or 3 sides (heat sealers).
Cellophane wrapping machines for stick packaging: this cellophane machine offers single-dose stick products.
Complete lines for packaging: All the machines can be designed to be integrated in a different way according to the counting, boxed and or carton groups.
Vertical packaging machines for the pharmaceutical sector: machines capable of making pharmaceutical packaging according to the diversity of the product to be packaged.

Attention to the sector

To understand exactly the importance of cellophane wrapping machines, it is necessary to shift attention towards large-scale distribution as often one of the biggest problems encountered concerns the organization.

Putting aside the size of the work environment, the choice of the packaging machine must be made through a certain criterion: THE SECTOR.

The first factor to consider is precisely this sector, as the processing area is the fundamental information for which the machine will perform its work: the food and pharmaceutical sectors are different from each other, right?

Some sectors, especially when it comes to such different areas as pharmaceuticals and food, must respond to different regulations and hygiene standards.

The areas in which they are used

Packaging is very important, as we have previously said because it acts as a barrier for the product it contains.

For this reason, the cellophane wrapping or filmmaking machines have the purpose of creating a specific packaging for each type of sector, among which we can find:

for the packaging of food products: salt, oil, baby food, pet food and much more.
in the beverage sector: drinks, coffee, water, soft drinks and so on.
filmmaking machines for personal care and home care products: wipes, detergents, detergents and so on.
Vertical cellophane wrapping machines for the pharmaceutical sector: they collect everything related to the world of medicine, therefore blisters, single-dose stick formats and so on.
Packaging machines for shrink film
The packaging process is necessary to maintain, store, transport and sell any type of product.

Having the opportunity to create packaging suitable for your type of product is essential as it means offering your customers an impeccable product and packaging in total safety by communicating all useful information for sale and consumption.

Automatic shrink wrapping machines are machines that use shrink-wrapped materials that shrink with heat.

There are several main classes of cellophane wrapping or filmmaking machines, the main differences of which are the type and thickness of the materials used:

Shrinkwrappers: normally used for polyethylene films (filming machines), for example for heat-shrink films to be applied on water bottles. The package thus obtained is called “bundle” and has two open sides, in order to facilitate the grip of the product; the bundle can also be fitted with adhesive handles, glued automatically when exiting the cabinet.
Bell-shaped shrink wrapping machines: normally used for PVC and polypropylene films.
Angular or linear shrink tunnel packaging machines.
(Pactur produces almost exclusively Shrink Wrapping and Shrink Wrapping or Wrapping Machines)

Here is a quick rundown of our shrink wrapping machines, 100% made in Italy. Also Pactur, a small company “with an artisan heart, but with an industrial vocation”, makes its modest contribution, so that the flag of Italian manufacturing flies proudly around the world.



First of all, they are economical bell-shaped packaging machines for shrink film, very performing, since they are equipped with powerful heating resistors, so that the shrink is rapid. It belongs to a category of aesthetically beautiful and economical packaging machines that can be the ideal solution for small productions.Shrink chamber machine




Subsequently a range of manual angular shrink wrapping machines, moreover complete with shrink or shrink tunnel included. Overall this range is available in three models, 45, 65 and 80; in this way the packaging needs of various products are satisfied, albeit with machines that are easy to use and, moreover, with a low price. The mod. 45 also belongs to the Economic Packaging Machines such as the KLOK550.

45/N manual packaging machine with PLC and touch screen.



Furthermore, the wide range of semi-automatic angular packaging machines, as they are equipped with one or two conveyor belts and a manual or semi-automatic welding arm, therefore the range of models available is really wide. As a result, nearly every packaging need is answered here. Overall, this shrink wrapping machine range includes about fifteen models.



Regarding the Auto Unica compact angular automatic angular packaging machines, some special versions have been created, based on customized customer requests, so that these simple, compact and high-performance shrink wrapping machines could meet even very specific needs. In this way, for example, the versions with stainless steel structure were born, so that they were perfectly compatible with the most demanding food environments.

withdrawal of used items
…and buy a NEW ONE!!!!



First of all, the compact angular automatic heat-shrink packaging machines, that is, with shrink or heat-shrink tunnel included in the same structure of the machine. Consequently, the overall dimensions are considerably contained; despite this, the performance is still considerable, especially thanks to the height adjustments of the welder, which therefore make welding very quick and thanks to the power of the tunnel, which allows excellent retraction, although its structure is decidedly reduced.

Confezionatrici automatiche angolari



As an alternative to the compact automatic angular packaging machines, a range of automatic shrink film machines with separate shrink tunnel, rather than joined to the machine structure, in order to increase shrink performance. Therefore, the automatic angular packaging machine is connected to a longer, therefore more powerful, shrink tunnel.

Tunnel di termoretrazione
Tunnel di termoretrazione



In addition to the angular models, a range of automatic packaging machines for continuous sealer shrink film, consequently suitable for the packaging of both short and long products. Therefore a very flexible range, which responds to various needs. Furthermore, depending on the width of the product, it is possible to choose the most suitable model.



Shrink wrapping machines


And even more options within the range segment of automatic continuous sealer packaging machines; in fact, for larger products, two models of continuous welding machines are available, particularly wide, therefore suitable for the packaging of medium – large size products. Moreover, the same continuous packaging machines offer the possibility of using both thick and resistant films, as well as bright and thinner films.









Automatic Packaging Machine for Medium-Large Sizes
Auto 80L automatic packaging machine

Otherwise, for those with very high productivity needs, a packaging machine not only with a continuous side sealer, but also with a translating transverse sealing bar, in order to speed up the sealing process. In conclusion, the most performing model of the range of automatic continuous welding machines

Confezionatrici Automatiche con saldatore in continuo
Mod. Auto 40L Box Motion



Finally, in addition to the range of full-closure shrink film packaging machines, there is a different segment of the range, namely shrinkwrappers. In addition, Pactur shrinkwrappers have a peculiar feature, namely both film reels placed in a low position, so that the operator can change the film easily and safely. In conclusion, a semiautomatic or automatic shrinkwrapper machine, which has its own specific distinctive character.


SAVE TIME! Make a request to receive our best offer on this product. Alternatively, for more information, you can always contact us on 051 6167287
richiesta di preventivo a Pactur




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PACTUR s.r.l.
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